It is fine to make any changes you want anywhere in the pure Word document (but remember to avoid modifying any text in your master document that still contains EndNote Online coding if you need to change something in a citation in your master document, make the changes to the citation in your EndNote Online account and then click the Update Citations and Bibliography button in the EndNote Online toolbar in Word). It will enable you to quickly cite these references in Word, and automatically create a bibliography in any referencing style you require. You should now have your EndNote Online encoded master document as well as a Word document stripped of EndNote Online coding and ready for you to hand in. EndNote is a tool that helps you to collect, store and organise scholarly literature from different sources.

The instructions below will show you how to create a pure Word document for submission while also retaining a copy of the EndNote Online encoded Word document as your master document.ġ) Click on the EndNote Web tab in Microsoft Word to open the EndNote Online toolbarĢ) Click the Convert Citations and Bibliography button and then select Convert to Plain Text Best practices dictate that before you turn a paper into an instructor or a manuscript into a publisher, you first remove EndNote Online code from your document and submit it as a pure Word document. dot files are not available, you should reconfigure EndNote via Start -> Programs ->EndNote -> Configure EndNote to add them to the Templates and Add-in.

and tag the check-box for EndNote Cwyw.dot and/or EndNote Web Cwyw.dot. Whenever EndNote Online inserts a citation into a Word document, it also installs hidden code along with the text that code is what makes it possible for EndNote Online to communicate with Word. In MS Word, select Tools -> Templates and Add-ins.